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Cuir chevelu rouge et perte de cheveux : quelles sont les causes et comment y remédier ?
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Red scalp and hair loss: what are the causes and how to treat it?


Redness, itching, hair loss… All these symptoms are a reflection of poor hair health . Red scalp accompanied by hair loss is a common phenomenon with multiple causes: from sun exposure to stress, fungal infection or skin diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis. Fortunately, there are suitable solutions and hair care products to soothe irritation, reduce redness and stimulate regrowth. Identify the cause of your hair disorder and follow our practical advice to preserve your scalp and regain shiny, healthy hair.

Scalp redness and hair loss: possible causes

You have an itchy head, localized red patches, white dandruff or even significant hair loss: it is essential to identify the origin of the problem to find the most suitable treatment and act effectively.

  1. Medical causes

Here are some of the skin conditions that can lead to inflammation of the hair follicle, red patches and hair loss.

Seborrheic dermatitis: a common cause

Seborrheic dermatitis can cause hair loss due to the intense itching it causes. This chronic condition presents as red patches on areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands such as the face and scalp. This inflammation, along with excessive scratching, weakens the hair follicles and causes hair loss.

Scalp psoriasis: an inflammatory disease

Psoriasis affects 2% of the population. This autoimmune disease causes thick, scaly, red patches, often accompanied by intense itching. These patches can weaken the scalp and disrupt hair growth.

Folliculitis decalvans: a rare but serious condition

Rarer infections such as folliculitis decalvans can cause hair loss. This is an inflammation of the follicles of bacterial origin that causes redness, pustules and, in the most severe cases, destruction of the follicles, causing bald patches or cicatricial alopecia, i.e. irreversible hair loss.

Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis)

Itching associated with eczema can damage hair follicles and cause red patches and localized or diffuse hair loss.

Contact allergy (allergic dermatitis)

Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory condition of the scalp caused by exposure to an allergen or irritant: it often occurs after using hair products containing sensitizing agents: hair dyes, perfume-based styling products, glues used in hair extensions, etc.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormones affect the condition of your skin and hair, and it's not uncommon for a hormonal imbalance to be the cause of an unhealthy scalp. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, low estrogen, or excess androgens can cause an irritated scalp, redness, dandruff, and temporary hair loss.

  1. Environmental causes: aggravating factors for hair loss

Environmental factors, such as sun exposure or prolonged stress, as well as lifestyle, play a major role in healthy hair.

Excessive exposure to sun or UV rays

UV rays directly attack the skin of the scalp, causing redness, burning, and even flaking. They damage the cells of the hair follicles, which can slow hair growth or cause hair loss.

Prolonged stress

Chronic stress is a key factor in scalp problems: it stimulates the production of cortisol, a hormone that can unbalance the hair cycle, leading to diffuse hair loss (telogen effluvium).

  1. Inadequate hair routines

Using irritating hair products (shampoos, dyes, styling products) can dry out the scalp, cause irritation and worsen redness. Chemical treatments (bleaching, straightening) weaken the hair and also increase the risk of follicle infection and hair loss.

Treatments for Hair Loss Due to Irritated Scalp

Here is some insight into the different solutions available to relieve redness and stop hair loss effectively.

  1. Hair treatments and products: shampoos and care

- Over-the-counter anti-hair loss and redness shampoos contain specific active ingredients to soothe, deep cleanse or combat possible causes of irritation: salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, coal tar.

- Antifungal shampoos , based on ketoconazole or zinc pyrithione, formulated to treat fungal infections responsible for redness.

- Soothing shampoos , which contain salicylic acid, and with a neutral pH, which gently calm irritations while respecting the balance of the scalp.

- Medicated shampoos , available only on dermatological prescription. These hair products are adapted to specific pathologies.

  1. Topical treatments: to take care of your scalp

Used in addition to shampoo, moisturizing products in the form of ointment, cream or serum can target specific problems such as fungal infections.

- Dermocorticoids are anti-inflammatory drugs based on cortisone derivatives that are very effective in combating redness. However, they must be used with caution because of their side effects, including skin lightening and atrophy. Local corticosteroids are prescribed in cases of severe inflammation.

- Topical antifungals and antibacterial creams target scalp infections.

- Moisturizing serums for dry hair help restore the skin barrier and soothe feelings of discomfort.

  1. Key Ingredients for Healthy Hair

Choose natural ingredients without side effects for strong hair and a healthy scalp:

- Tea tree oil
- Aloe vera (natural soothing)
- Chamomile or calendula: soothing plants
- Hyaluronic acid for dry scalp
- Vitamins and hair supplements: biotin, zinc, iron, vitamin D

  1. Beauty tech treatments adapted to the scalp

LED technology is revolutionizing the world of facial and hair beauty with light therapy devices that can be used directly at home. Investing in an LED mask allows you to achieve professional results without having to go to a salon.

Discover the Nooance-Paris beauty tech collection and the amazing results of the LED mask on the face before/after .

For strong and healthy hair, the LED and laser hair helmet is the high-tech device you need: it has proven its effectiveness in increasing hair growth, significantly combating hair loss and improving the overall appearance of the scalp. It also helps reduce inflammation responsible for redness and irritation.

Enhance your hair with the combination of laser and LEDs in a hair helmet that ensures rapid regrowth and better hair density in just a few minutes a day.


  1. When to consult in case of red scalp and hair loss?

If your symptoms persist or worsen, if your scalp does not look normal, it is essential to consult a dermatologist to obtain an accurate diagnosis. They can help you differentiate between skin conditions that are very similar in appearance (psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections) but which do not require the same treatments. The advice of a professional is also recommended for using an LED energy mask: find the opinion of dermatologists on the LED mask for the face .