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Routine pour les soins de la peau : les bases pour la construire efficacement
6 min

Skincare Routine: The Basics to Building It Effectively

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We can quickly feel overwhelmed by all the products that exist today on the beauty market, so this article covers the fundamental steps to follow to build an effective daily routine.

The three fundamental steps

Step 1: Cleansing

The first step to an effective skincare routine is finding a good cleanser. This means finding a cleanser that is effective, but still gentle on the skin. It is the first key step in a beauty routine, because it helps get rid of dirt and impurities that can cause imperfections, a dull complexion or accelerate skin aging. However, cleansing is the most traumatic step for the skin so you have to be careful with the cleansing products you choose, they really must be adapted to the skin type. Indeed, if a cleanser is not suitable, it can cause irritation or alter the hydrolipidic film naturally present on the skin, making it more fragile in the face of external aggressions and more sensitive. You should also avoid soaps, because they disrupt the natural pH of the skin. Soap has a basic pH between 9 and 12 while skin has an acidic pH of 5.5. Studies have shown that using soap disrupts the pH of the skin for several hours after use, which also makes it more fragile in the face of external aggressions. If the skin feels tight or presents redness after cleansing, it is not suitable. In addition, the C.acnes bacteria which plays a role in acne proliferates at basic pH, so it is important to respect the natural pH of the skin.


For combination to oily skin, it is best to use a soap-free purifying cleanser morning and evening, for example in the form of a foaming gel and containing salicylic acid to lightly exfoliate the skin and tighten enlarged pores.

While for normal to dry skin, it is preferable to use moisturizing foaming gels containing glycerin or galenics that are even gentler for the skin such as cleansing creams or milks. In addition, normal to dry skin does not need to clean their face in the morning; a simple rinse with water may be sufficient.

What is double cleansing?

Double cleansing is simply washing your face twice. This is not compulsory, but it can be useful in the evening only when you are wearing makeup or have recently applied sunscreen. To effectively and gently remove makeup or sunscreen, it is preferable to use cleansers with an oil, balm or milk formulation. The second cleanser can be the same product or a different product, it depends on each person's preferences. Double cleansing is especially useful for acne-prone skin.

Step 2: hydration

Hydration is the second most important step in a beauty routine because it is necessary for the proper functioning of all skin processes, including cell renewal. Hydration is therefore essential for everyone and at all ages. In fact, even when you have oily skin you must hydrate the skin, contrary to what we often hear.

In cosmetics, there are three types of ingredients that affect skin hydration:

  • Humectants:
  • Humectants are ingredients with an affinity for water molecules. They make it possible to hydrate the skin by two possible mechanisms: by forming a film on the surface of the skin to reduce water loss, that is to say that the water present in the skin does not evaporate or by attracting water molecules from the deeper layers of the skin to the upper layers. Among humectants in cosmetics, we find hyaluronic acid and other polysaccharides such as glycerin, amino acids, urea and many others.

  • Emollients:
  • Emollients help soften the skin and support the skin barrier. They are also very important for the sensoriality of cosmetic products. In this category, we find lipids: oils, fatty acids, fatty acid esters, ceramides, cholesterol, etc. as well as certain silicones.

  • Occlusives:
  • The role of occlusives is to form a protective barrier on the surface of the skin to protect it from the external environment and maintain its hydration. In this category, we find mineral oils, waxes and butters.


    Even though hydration is essential for all skin types, the appropriate products will not be the same. For example, combination to oily skin mainly needs humectants and emollients. Therefore, you should favor light moisturizing products in the form of serums, gels or cream-gels.

    While dry skin needs occlusives. Therefore, you should favor rich moisturizing creams and balms.

    Step 3: Sun protection

    Applying a sunscreen almost daily is essential to preserve the health and youthfulness of the skin. In fact, skin aging depends on two factors:

    • Intrinsic aging linked to our genetics, it is specific to each individual
    • Extrinsic aging linked to external aggressions: sun, pollution, tobacco, stress, diet, sleep, etc.

    Some studies indicate that skin aging depends 80% on extrinsic aging. And among the extrinsic factors, the sun is the most aggravating factor for the skin. It is therefore essential to apply at least SPF30 sunscreen outdoors to preserve the health of the skin. Especially since the sun is also an aggravating factor for many skin problems: acne, psoriasis, rosacea, etc.


    For greater lightness, it is possible to apply sun protection directly after cleansing without using another moisturizer. In fact, sunscreen products already contain humectants and emollients so depending on the skin type, this may be sufficient for hydration in the morning.

    There are now very good sunscreen products that do not leave white marks, are non-greasy and pleasant to use, so there are no more excuses for not applying sunscreen every day. For example, NOOĀNCE's SPF30 UVA50 sun care offers a mattifying finish so you don't shine during the day.

    In what order should you apply the products?

    In summary, this is what a routine looks like following these three fundamental rules:

    Morning :

    Cleanser (optional for normal to dry skin)

    Moisturizer (optional if applying a sunscreen product: this can be in the form of a serum, gel or cream)

    Mandatory sun protection outdoors

    Evening :


    Second cleanser (if makeup or recently applied sunscreen is present)

    Moisturizer (this can be in the form of a serum, gel or cream)

    How to change the routine?

    Once the three fundamental bases of the routine are respected, it is possible to go further by applying, for example, products to target different problems: enlarged pores, uneven complexion, dull complexion, presence of wrinkles, redness... Here are some routine examples with NOOĀNCE products:

    1. Target the signs of aging:

    Morning :

    Cleanser (optional for normal to dry skin)

    ### serum-jeunesse-2-peptides-de-copper###

    Moisturizer (optional if applying a sunscreen product: this can be in the form of a serum, gel or cream)


    Evening :


    Second cleanser (if makeup or recently applied sunscreen is present)

    ### concentrated-care-anti-aging-night-0-6-retinol-rechargeable###

    Moisturizer (if necessary)


    2. Target the complexion:

    Morning :

    Cleanser (optional for normal to dry skin)


    Moisturizer (optional if applying a sunscreen product: this can be in the form of a serum, gel or cream)


    Evening :


    Second cleanser (if makeup or recently applied sunscreen is present)

    ### unifying-smoothing-radiance-cream-vitamin-c-and-tranexamic-acid-rechargeable###

    Moisturizer (if necessary)


    3. Soothe and reduce redness

    Morning :

    Cleanser (optional for normal to dry skin)

    ### serum-bulles-d-hydration-soothing-regenerating###

    Moisturizer (optional if applying a sunscreen product: this can be in the form of a serum, gel or cream)


    Evening :


    Second cleanser (if makeup or recently applied sunscreen is present)

    ### serum-bulles-d-hydration-soothing-regenerating###

    Moisturizer (if necessary)

    ### nourishing-elixir-with-prebiotics-10-precious-oils###


    • Cleansing without compromise: the impact of cleansers on the skin barrier and the technology of mild cleansing, KP Ananthapadmanabhan, David j. Moore, Kumar Subramanyan, Manoj Misra & Frank Meyer, Dermatologic Therapy, Vol. 17, 2004, 16 –25
    • Role of pH in skin cleansing, Stacy Hawkins, Bivash R. Dasgupta, Kavssery P. Ananthapadmanabhan, Int J Cosmet Sci. 2021;43:474–483.